Kinslayer MUD
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A belt made of bones with a skull shaped buckle 1 2 15 0.6
A belt of woven silver chain 0 0 0 0.0
A black leather belt with a silver buckle 2 0 0 0.1
A clean white drying towel 0 1 0 0.1
A fine silken sash 1 2 0 0.2
A gilded warbelt -1 -1 24 2.0
A leather belt 0 0 5 0.0
A long wrap of itchy garlands -1 0 2 2.0
A loose copper belt 1 2 0 0.1
A loose copper belt 1 1 10 2.0
A notched steel black belt -6 -3 52 3.5
A plain sword belt 0 1 0 0.2
A plated silver belt with a golden scabbard -6 -3 56 3.5
A polished black belt 1 3 37 1.0
A rough steel belt with an ornate buckle 2 2 20 0.6
A shimmering steel belt -6 -3 52 3.5
A silky white belt with gems 2 0 0 0.5
A steel plated belt 0 1 0 0.1
A strand of loose rope 1 0 0 0.2
A strange chain belt 1 1 30 2.0
A studded leather belt 4 4 0 1.0
A sturdy leather belt 1 1 0 0.2
A swordsman's belt 3 2 0 0.1
A thick belt with a hanging sheath 0 0 0 0.0
A tough leather belt 1 0 10 0.2
A tough section of dried boarhide 0 0 45 1.5
A tough worm-hide belt 2 2 32 0.1
A wolfskin belt 2 1 15 0.1