Kinslayer MUD
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Low Damage
High Damage
A dark steel lance 121 98 13.5 11 23
A durable lance with a bronze handguard 128 19 10.0 11 23
A hard-grained mahogany lance with a heavy iron vamplate 125 103 14.0 13 25
A heavy lance made of polished silver 122 50 16.8 16 28
A long light lance 124 16 9.0 9 21
A long wooden jousting lance 120 13 8.0 7 19
A sharp ruby tipped lance 132 22 11.0 13 25
A shiny copper lance 109 83 12.0 5 17
A short, light lance 116 10 7.0 5 17
A thick metal lance 117 93 13.0 9 21
Undefined 0 0 0.0 10 50